About SMECoach

SME Chamber of India has taken lead to set up SMECoach Platform to provide opportunity to the eminent coaches, trainers and mentors to provide practical knowledge, skill, guidance, training or education to the entrepreneurs, young & women entrepreneurs, start-ups, their main work force to empower them for resilience and global competitiveness. The improvement in skill & scale of the individuals will definitely be useful for their own businesses and employers to enhance their business activities, profitability, competitiveness, growth, expansion, diversification, collaborations, reformation, transformation and better performance to achieve the target growth.

In an era of competition and fast changing business scenarios, the coaches and trainers will get an opportunity to introduce and promote their professional skills and programs by providing high-quality, customized professional experiences, leadership development, technical skills or personal growth to the entrepreneurs and individuals. SMECoach platform will also integrate the experienced and subject matter experts, faculties, thought leaders, business icons, successful business tycoons, professionals, consultants, educationists, inventors, innovators, bankers, technocrats, engineers, professors and other individuals, who can educate, empower the existing, prospective entrepreneurs, their work forces, young & women entrepreneurs & start-ups to succeed in their respective business fields.

Through our unique Business Coaching & Consulting services, we provide the required support to the entire SME segment, which helps them as under:

  1. Increase their business reach and revenue streams
  2. Strengthening workforce for better growth and expansion
  3. Improve Leadership quality to tackle difficult task evolving challenges
  4. Acquire competitive advantage & future-proofing
  5. Enhance customer relationship & increase customer reach
  6. Streamline operational processes for more proactive, predictive & consistent
  7. Enhance quality productivity and better services
  8. Build connected ecosystem – employees, partners & customers
  9. Mitigate existential threats (1/3 of today’s businesses won’t survive the next 10 years)



  1. Develop entrepreneurial leadership qualities
  2. Help SMEs transform into Smart Enterprise
  3. Build connected ecosystem – employees, partners & customers.
  4. Encourage SMEs to adopt business ethics and good governance
  5. Enhance customer experience & increase customer reach
  6. Enhance employee productivity
  7. Build awareness about technologies and digital capabilities
  1. Empower SMEs to navigate through challenges
  2. Identify Qualified SMECoach
  3. Provide unique coaching, education and training to SMEs & its workforce
  4. Provide Mentoring and Advisory support to SMEs
  5. Enhance capacities and capabilities amongst entrepreneurs
  6. Train and Empower Entrepreneurs to compete with local & Global market


  1. Training , coaching, mentoring and education
  2. Thought Leaders Mentoring Session
  3. Seminar, workshops and lecture series
  4. Trade promotional programs and events
  5. Awareness program for knowledge enhancement
  6. Provide Business Solutions & Support
  1. Resolving issues & problems alongwith solutions
  2. Strategic business alliances
  3. Roundtable discussions & Interactions
  4. Connectivity with partners and appropriate authorities
  5. International conferences & seminars with overseas coach and trainers
  6. study tours & projects visits